Monday, January 17, 2011

How to Move On After a Breakup

Breakups can be abrupt and drastic changes in someone’s life. The feelings can be the same as if you had experienced a death of someone close and they can take just as much time to get over. Breaking up can be very painful. Getting over a breakup, moving on after your ex breaks your heart - these are challenges. There are some ways to make it a little less painful…but be warned: it is still painful.

-Allow yourself to accept that the relationship is over. At times, people can be in denial and avoid facing this fact.

-Stop punishing yourself for what happened, and let go of all of your negative feelings. Write a letter detailing your negative feelings and burn it afterward. Allow yourself to grieve the relationship you lost.

-Realize you cannot control such factors in your life, then do some introspective soul-searching to figure out what you have learned through the process of the breakup. Make a list of all the lessons you have learned and find ways to apply them to a new life.

-Let go of regrets and heartbreak and anything that wears you down. Get rid of all the negative influences in your old life and start fresh.

-Learn to smile, and find new ways to occupy your time. Develop new habits to replace the time you spent grieving over this past relationship.

-Keep a journal and list in it happy moments with the person you loved—in time, the separation will become less painful.

-Be patient with the process, as it takes time to heal a broken heart. Do not expect quick and easy solutions.

-Try to keep a distance between you and the person you love by avoiding contact and phone calls.

-Do not wallow in the breakup. This could prolong the time it takes to get over your ex.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Post ngasal -_-

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oke udah sebulan gua ga nge post something gitu di blog uhuy pertama karna UAS, terus kedua males, ketiga internet belum dibayar^^v

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


finallyyyyyyyyyyy............. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TANIA AYU ZAGITA haahhhh gila surprise nya oke banget laah. gini ceritanya.........

jam 00:45 gua kebangun gara gara sms ucapan happy birthday hihi ditta yang pertama, dia ngucapin pas jam 00:00 hihihi :D terus banyak sms deh udah aku balesin semua :D udah gitu, tidur lagi dan pagi2nyaaaa dibangunin jam 5:05 sama ibu, haha bawa bawa kotak terus ada lilinnya, dikira kue eh taunya bukan wkwk oke lanjut, abis make a wish dan tiup lilin, gua buka hadiahnya. KAGET karenaaaa isinya itu Canon EOS1000D ahhh gila seneng banget :D oke udah dibuka, gua spechless, dan akhirnya nyoba2 kado baru gua itu :D

laluuuuuuu di sekolah, seperti biasa di tampolin mah wajib wkwk terus ya ga ada apa apa. dan yang ada pacar gua bikin bt ergghhhh mood breaker. terus pas balik............. gua mau jajan sama isya, nah tiba2 gua dipanggil sama ka rai dan bang iben disuruh ke koridor kls 9 billing. nah oke gua ngikut, pas sampe sana, ka indra yang nongol. langsung pada ceng2in kan wkwkwk dan gua bingung, ini wanda sama yang lain kemanaaa. yaudah kan gua enjoy. abis ituuuu tiba2 ada nyala lilin dan pada nyanyi happy birthday whoaaa ada kue buat gua wkwk dari ka indra. dan nyanyi tiup lilin, dan make a wish, dan wusshhhh lilinnya mati wkwk. dan pas lagi mau nyomot kue, tiba2 wanda sama diandra dateng bawa semprotan yg buat party itu. jir kena mulut gua haha akhirnya terjadi insiden semprot semprotan. dan pa colek colek kue. sampe abis kuenya oke gila badan gua bau kue beneran itu mah haha terus dikasih mawar juga sama ka indra hihi thanks a lot ya all :DDDDDD

itu tadi surprise dari ka indra dan kawan kawan hihi sekarang surprise dari pacar dan sahabat2. oke sampe jam 3 dia ga ngucapin apa apa ke gua. pas di rapat juga diem2an, gua cuekin malah gua sinisin soalnya dia marah2 gajelas di ulang tahun gua. udah gitu, pas rapat selesai, gua lagi mau ambil tas, terus dia ngeluarin sesuatu dari tasnya. kresek warna pink. terus gua keluar aja tuh. eh pas di luar tiba2 firly, aye, wanda, lulu, dan yg lain nyanyiin selamat ulang tahun buat gua. ah gila spechless abis. terus si pacar ngasih kresek tadi ke gua hahha ternyata itu kadonya wkwk specheeess gila. sambil dia ngasih kado, yang lain juga. jadi handycraft gitu bentuk buku, nah itu isinya ucapan ucapan dari semuanya, bagus banget deh gua suka :D thanks a lot once again yaaaa:D

daaaaaaaaan gua ke eden. nenteng2 kado dari pacar, bunga, sama handycraft nya. terus sampe eden di ceng2in gini ''cieeee anniv yaaa?'' gua jawab ''ah engga aku ultah hihihi'' wuih langsung heboh wkwk oke karna ga tahan ingin buang hajat, gua ke kamar mandi sekalian benerin kerudung. pas balik udah ada sue, dia nyanyi happy birthday dengan lembut haha thanks a lot sue if you read this!

okeeee sampe rumah, belom selesai nih surprise. sampe rumah gua disuguhin birthday cake buatan nyokap sendiri hihi bagus mam cake nya haha kalo nyoba beuuhhh enak banget loh. dan abis mandi terus solat gua tiup lilin deh terus main2 sama kado tercinta :D

these all the presents I've got :D


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Idul Adha

HAPPY IDUL ADHA FOR ALL MOSLEMS IN ALL OVER THE WORLD. well I wish in this big day we got more bless from Allah SWT and our live getting better.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


jadi hari ini, tanggal 16 november 2010. dan lebih tepatnya besok tanggal 17 november dan lebih tepatnya lagi aye ulang tahun wuhuuuuw!!!! gua sama wanda udah berencana mau ngasih aye kelinci. begini perjalanan kita.......
tadi sekolah dipulangin soalnya besok lebaran haji yeaaay merdeka sekali hatiku wkwk oke lanjut. balik sekolah, seperti biasa, rapat mpk&osis. wanda nungguin diluar tapi akhirnya dia masuk ke ruang rapat soalnya di tampol pa udin hahahahahaha sabar ya kawan. lalu selesai rapat kita udah ngolekin duit ke anak2 buat nambah2in dikit. pas balik, untung aja aye dipanggil t'tyara jadi gua wanda ijah dan ican langsung ngacir ke gerbang dan naik 07. dan sampailah kita di botani. nah sampai di botani kita bertemu dengan dea, firly, ifa, dan fakhrian. lalu bertemu yune, zaski, dan maria. terus kita minta tambahan ke mereka dan dikasih!!!!!!!!!! sama yuneeeee baik sekali dia wkwkwk lanjut.
daaan kita langsung caw ke petshop dan mendapati ijah langsung menjerit jerit karena melihat kucing dan anjing yg sedang berkeliaran di petsopnya jadi dia terpaksa nunggu diluar hikssss kasian. naaah kita mulai nanya2 harga kelinci. ternyata kalo kelinci keliatannya kurang unyu. jadi setelah dipikir2 ternyata kelinci tidak unyu karena memang tak berunyu. naaahhhh kita liat2 di petshop daaaaan hati kita terpanah pada 2 ekor hamster campbell yg unyu unyu banget menye menye. yaudah kita minta pendapat teman2 dan akhirnya mereka setuju buat beliin hamster!!! yeaaaay makin unyu saja kado kita wkwk yaudah kita beli sepasang hamster campbell beserta serbuk kayu, pasir mandi, dan kandangnya buat aye tercinta :*
nah kan wanda yg bawa pulang kadonya, yaudah tapi karna gua masih mau berunyu ria dengan sang hamster wanda ke rumah gua.
di perjalanan ke rumah gua naik 08a kita jadi perhatian banyak orang dan sempet ditanya sama ibu2 ''aduh lucu banget hamsternya, total harganya itu semua berapa de? ohh makannya apa de? kandangnya berapa de?'' aduh buuuu tapedeee. terus ada anak kecil yg naik dan dia ga lepas pandangan dari kandang hamster tsb wkwkwkwk. oke pas sampe di rumah gua langsung hias pake pita daaan nulis kartu ucapan yang tak luput dari patauan unyu kita, yaitu dengan mengecapkan cap bibir asli pake lipstik ke amplop&kartu ucapannya. OKE AYE GET READY FOR THIIIISSSS UNYU SURPRISEEEE!!!! rencananya hari kamis dikasih hadiahnya terus aye dibanjur pake ramuan dari sang nopal hahahahahahaha
oke udahan dulu buat hari ini, pokoknya seru deh!!!! jadi ga sabar hari kamis wkwkwkwk zalam untjyu :D

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Mr Weasley dropped to his knees beside George. For the first time since Harry had known him, Fred seemed to be lost for words. He gaped over the back of the sofa at his twin’s wound as if he could not believe what he was seeing.

Perhaps roused by the sound of Fred and their father’s arrival, George stirred.

George’s fingers groped for the side of his head.

‘Saint-like,’ he murmured.

‘What’s wrong with him?’ croaked Fred, looking terrified. ‘Is his mind affected?’

‘Saint-like,’ repeated George, opening his eyes and looking up at his brother. ‘You see… I’m holy. Holey. Fred, geddit?’

Mrs Weasley sobbed harder than ever. Colour flooded Fred’s pale face.

‘Pathetic,’ he told George. ‘Pathetic! With the whole wide world of ear-related humour before you, you go for holey?’

Cry when I read it

Ron wrenched the chain from over his head and cast the locket into a nearby chair. He turned to Hermione. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Are you staying, or what?”
“I…” She looked anguished.
“Yes – Yes, I’m staying. Ron, we said we’d go with Harry, we said we’d help – “
“I get it. You choose him.”
“Ron, no – please – come back, come back!”

Lets back to Hogwarts!!!!

'' I had a weird moment the other day where I suddenly thought, I saw myself in the mirror, and I suddenly pictured the scar being there, and I thought I'll never have that piece of make up on again, ever.''



Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are

Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shinin’
Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her tryin’
She’s so beautiful
And I tell her everyday

Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her, she won’t believe me
And it’s so, it’s so sad to think that she don’t see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay?
I say

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
‘Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are

And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
‘Cause girl, you’re amazing
Just the way you are

Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she’d let me
Her laugh her laugh, she hates but I think it’s so sexy
She’s so beautiful
And I tell her everyday

Oh, you know, you know, you know I’d never ask you to change
If perfect’s what you’re searching for, then just stay the same
So don’t even bother asking if you look okay
You know I’ll say

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
‘Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
*courtesy of LirikLaguTerbaru.Com
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
‘Cause girl, you’re amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl, you’re amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
‘Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are

And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
‘Cause girl, you’re amazing
Just the way you are, yeah.


Ih mau curhat dong, jadi gini, kok gua ngerasa ada yg aneh ya sama kulit gua? Masa tiap malem gatel terus pas digaruk bentol terus bentolnya makin banyak sm makin gede. Aneh tau ihhhh serem jadinya. Padahal kan ga digigit apa apa. Ihhhh parah tau gua jadi takut sendiri. Post nya agak ga penting sih haha bodo ah spending my time~~~